Project - Phase out

Self Care for safe motherhood project

CDHC has implemented Self Care project at Dakua union under Galachipa upazila for emergency preparedness of pregnant mothers. The project duration was about 12 months. The White ribbon Alliance provided financial and technical supports to implement this project. Different types of interventions were organized at the community and national level such as 1) capacity building of Community Health Volunteer, Health & Family Planning frontline staffs and first line supervisors, Community Group and Community Support Group, 2) Advocacy meeting at local and national level, 3. Birth Planning, 4) referral system strengthening, 5) community gathering,

The project has brought the following achievements –

  1. About 1250 pregnant woman were counseled and supported to prepare birth planning for emergency readiness.
  2. 02 advocacy meeting were held with CBHC and upazila health & family planning department
  3. MOU signed with CBHC to implement the project successfully with the support of health & family planning department
  4. News coverage on project impact in The daily Protho Alo news paper
  5. 01 TV talk show aired in News 24 channel with line director of CHBC on project achievements.
  6. 27 CHV, 12 H&FP staffs 33 CG and 51 CSG members were trained on MNCH issues.
  7. 3 referral systems were established and 51 pregnant woman were referred to hospital for Emergency obstetric care.
  8. Photo and video documentary were made on project success.

Community managed Health Clinic and Water Ambulance project for the un-served populations of the remote island in Patuakhali district

One Primary Health Care center is constructed for providing essential health care services to 7,500 peoples especially women and children under 5. One Water Ambulance is constructed, which is available and in use for providing round the clock, 07 days in a week referralto the targeted populations

It was found that more than 80% of women and children have used health services and information, who required it.

During last five months (July to November), 745 peoples were provided health education by health volunteers, 635 patients (40% children, 42% women and 18% men) were treated by paramedics at Primary Health care center. During last three months (July to November), Fifteen (22) emergency patients were referred to district and upazila hospital for better managements, of them 08 women with obstetric complications (severe post partum heammorhage, prolonged labour, and perineal tear), five (15) children with severe diarrhea and dehydrations, and two (08) man with severe diarrhea.

Fishing Project supported by World Fish Center

CDHC implemented a project targeting marginal farmers, who were involved with fish farming in there ponds that contributed a large portion of their livelihood and their child’s education. CDHC provided required supports to start fish farming in 3000 ponds, owned by poor farmers, of them 1500 from Galachipa, 1000 from Dashmina and 500 from Patuakhali sadar. Total budget was Taka. 88,89,500 (Eight Eight Lac eighty nine thousand and five hundred).

Medical support activities

CDHC organized 56 medical camps with the support from ScF-USA, and managed 5010 patients. ScF USA provided only medicines. The cost of medicines will be around TK. 500,000; and rest of the cost are born by CDHC.

Distribution of UNDP non-food package

Along with Dhaka Community Hospital (DCH), CDHC distributed 4000 packages in Galachipa, Kalapara and Dasmina upazila under patiakhali. Duration was one month.

Rescue and rehabilitation supports activity implemented with the financial support from PKSF:

  • Poor families were given loan for livelihood rehabilitation (LRP): CDHC About 704 poor families were given loan TK. 21,5600 for livelihood rehabilitation (LRP).
  •  Rescue activities: CDHC provided financial support to 200 families TK. 14,28000 to restore their occupations like livestock, poultry, fishing etc.
  •  Housing support through interest free loan: CDHC provided financial support to 148 families with TK. 10,1000 to reconstruct/repair houses.

Relief and Rehabilitation

Activities with the support from Swiss Solidarity Foundation, Switzerland:  Total budget was Taka. 78,89,500 (Seventy Eight Lac eighty nine thousand and five hundred).

The project duration was 10 December 2007 to 29 February 2008. CDHC successfully completed the following activities within time schedule. The community peoples, GoB and donor highly appreciated the quality and quick delivery of the activities through active participation of local peoples. The achievements are as follows:

Non Formal Primary Education (NFPE) program

CDHC has been conducting 36 number of NFPE schools in five different unions of Galachipa Upazila since 2002. It provides high quality education and early childhood stimulation to about 1050 poor and drop/left out children through 35 schools. Of them about 80% children are female. The program is being supported by ESP program of BRAC. Total 36 teachers and 3 supervisors are working for school program.