CDHC has implemented Self Care project at Dakua union under Galachipa upazila for emergency preparedness of pregnant mothers. The project duration was about 12 months. The White ribbon Alliance provided financial and technical supports to implement this project. Different types of interventions were organized at the community and national level such as 1) capacity building of Community Health Volunteer, Health & Family Planning frontline staffs and first line supervisors, Community Group and Community Support Group, 2) Advocacy meeting at local and national level, 3. Birth Planning, 4) referral system strengthening, 5) community gathering,

The project has brought the following achievements –

  1. About 1250 pregnant woman were counseled and supported to prepare birth planning for emergency readiness.
  2. 02 advocacy meeting were held with CBHC and upazila health & family planning department
  3. MOU signed with CBHC to implement the project successfully with the support of health & family planning department
  4. News coverage on project impact in The daily Protho Alo news paper
  5. 01 TV talk show aired in News 24 channel with line director of CHBC on project achievements.
  6. 27 CHV, 12 H&FP staffs 33 CG and 51 CSG members were trained on MNCH issues.
  7. 3 referral systems were established and 51 pregnant woman were referred to hospital for Emergency obstetric care.
  8. Photo and video documentary were made on project success.