
1. To extend financial supports to the poor communities with special attention to women and unemployed youth this generates income options for their betterment as well poverty alleviation.

2. To arrange non-formal primary education, adult literacy, ICT (Information and Communication Technology) legal education etc.

3. To provide technical support to the LGI’s and CBOI’s to make them more functional and ensure accountability and transparency.

4. To provide basic health support and make a social movement including reproductive health and rights.

5. To raise awareness about human rights covering reproductive health rights, gender, social and political rights among the under privileged groups.

6. To provide training for capacity building both in personal and professional skills.

7. To campaign against gender based violence specially acid throwing, rape, sexual harassment, eve teasing, domestic violence and trafficking with the support on legal issues.

8. To deliver humanitarian services during disaster with an emergency response and rehabilitation.

9. To organize popular theatre and cultural activities in a traditional Bengali Culture with Heritage.

10. To make an advocacy at local and national level against global issues like globalization, climate change, WTO etc. and its negative responses towards economic impartiality and ecological balance

11. To equip poor people, women, adolescent, tribal communities, disabled and ethnic minorities with technical and financial support to have an equal access to the public and private services.