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Latest Event

কমিউনিটি ভিত্তিক এগ্রো-ইকোট্যুরিজম উন্নয়নের মাধ্যমে উপকূলীয় অঞ্চলে উদ্যোগক্তাদের আয় বৃদ্ধি

কমিউনিটি ভিত্তিক এগ্রো-ইকোট্যুরিজম উন্নয়নের মাধ্যমে উপকূলীয় অঞ্চলে উদ্যোগক্তাদের আয় বৃদ্ধি

আন্তর্জাতিক কৃষি উন্নয়ন তহবিল (ইফাদ), Embassy of Denmark ও পল্লী কর্ম-সহায়ক ফাউন্ডেশন(পিকেএসএফ) এর আর্থিক সহযোগিতায় Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project এর আওতায় "কমিউনিটি ভিত্তিক...

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National Day of Mourning. Tribute by CDHC

National Day of Mourning. Tribute by CDHC

August 15 is National Day of Mourning. Tribute by CDHC on the 48th martyrdom anniversary of the architect of freedom, the supreme leader of the liberation war, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu...

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Golden Jubille of Liberty of Bangladesh

Notice Board

Notice 1

Monthly team work will be held on 27 May, 2023. Everybody is asked to take necessary preparation in this purpose.

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Micro Credit

CDHC has been implementing Income Generating Activities (IGA) through its micro-credit program since 1999. Through a long selection process, in 2003, it has been qualified as the first and only partner of Polly Karma Syahak Foundation (PKSF). Since then it has been receiving both financial and technical supports from PKSF to expand the micro credit program in Patuakhali district. So far, it has been successful. 

Health & Nutrition (Kachher Doctor)

CDHC has been implementing community based health program focusing on maternal and child health & nutrition issues with its own fund. The program is locally supported by a full time graduate medical doctor. CDHC provides health services to the poor people for free of cost through organizing special health camp, eye camp with technical support from Dhaka Community Hospital.

Water and Sanitation

To address the huge needs of the local community, CDHC has been implementing sanitation program since 2000 by its own resources. The activities primarily focused on hygiene education, production and distribution of ring slabs among the targeted population. Three micro-credit member of CDHC was trained and get engaged to manufacture ring slabs. The micro credit members are given loan in less interest to install sanitary latrine in their homestead.


SMT meeting minute, January,23


SMT meeting minute, December-22


SMT meeting minute, November-22



Annual Report 2019-2020



Gender Equality and justification
